
The Best Reasons To Mount Your Computer Monitor To Your Wall Or Desk

If you are tired of your monitors and monitor stands cluttering up your desk space, our monitor mounts are exactly what you need to give you the extra space you need for a productive work day. LED and LCD monitors are lighter and much thinner than previous monitors which makes them perfect for mounting. Here are a few reasons to mount your monitors: Lack of space on the desk because the monitor base occupies an area that is often needed for other things. To have a direct or straight line of site especially with offices where people have to talk while using the computer as a reference. Mounted monitors are easier to adjust when needed. There are mounts that have...

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Ultrawide Monitors with Amer Monitor Mounts

Specs for almost all monitor mounts are based on an aspect ratio of 16:9 otherwise known as Widescreen which is pretty standard nowadays unless you have a bunch of older 4:3 monitors still lying around. For ULTRAWIDE monitors the aspect ratio is 21:9 so there is quite a difference in the physical specs of a monitor even if both say they have the same diagonal width. Without getting too mathematical with the Pythagorean theorem if we look at a 25 inch monitor a widescreen monitor from a popular manufacturer could have a width of  569 mm while an ultrawide has a width of 609 mm. This difference could cause difficulties without looking at the actual support dimensions of the mount to...

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Why You Need More Than One Monitor

At Monumental Mounts we understand that there is a need for monitor mounts, whether it is the classic single monitor mount, a productivity boosting dual mount, a gaming triple monitor mount or  a wall with six screens. Not only is there a need for mounting solutions, there is a need for our particular mounts. We based our products on comparisons with some of our competitors and have determined that our products are some of the best on the market, and at an extremely affordable price. Here are a few reasons why you need more than one monitor: Cutting and Pasting It is not an exciting task, but it can take a lot of time. Anybody who has spent time trying...

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AMR3S Eyefinity Set up

Welcome back everybody!   Take a look at this awesome Eyefinity set up. This incredible Triple Monitor Display can be yours with the purchase of any AMR3S! (Monitors not included) Post by Amer Mounts. Pretty cool, right? Buy Yours Today!      

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The Beginning

Hi Everybody, Welcome to Monumental Mounts! We're here to provide you with the best mounting solutions at great prices. From Ceiling Projector Mounts to Stand/Clamp/Grommet Desk Mounts, we've got you covered! Check out our products in the "Products" tab!

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